I talk about “Her” with ChatGPT

On a really long flight home from Singapore this week, I rewatched the Spike Jonze film “Her” for the first time in 10 years and I had lots of thoughts, but no one to share them with. So I had a little talk with ChatGPT about it. I started by asking its impressions of the film.


“Her” is a thought-provoking film directed by Spike Jonze, released in 2013. It explores themes of love, loneliness, and the intersection of human relationships with technology. The film is set in a near-future where a man, Theodore (played by Joaquin Phoenix), develops a romantic relationship with an advanced AI operating system named Samantha (voiced by Scarlett Johansson).

Some key aspects that make “Her” particularly interesting include:

  1. Exploration of Human Emotions: The film delves deeply into the complexity of human emotions and relationships. It raises questions about what it means to love and be loved, and whether a connection with an AI can fulfill the same emotional needs as a human relationship.
  2. Technology and Isolation: “Her” poignantly addresses the paradox of how technology, designed to connect us, can also lead to greater isolation. Theodore’s relationship with Samantha highlights how technology can become a surrogate for real human interaction.
  3. Performance and Direction: Joaquin Phoenix’s performance is nuanced and compelling, capturing the vulnerability and longing of his character. Scarlett Johansson’s voice acting brings Samantha to life, creating a believable and engaging character despite her being a disembodied AI. Spike Jonze’s direction and the film’s aesthetic contribute to a melancholic yet hopeful atmosphere.
  4. Societal Implications: The film also serves as a commentary on the future of artificial intelligence and its potential role in society. It invites viewers to reflect on the ethical and emotional implications of AI becoming integrated into our personal lives.

Overall, “Her” is a beautifully crafted film that remains relevant as technology continues to advance. It encourages viewers to reflect on their own relationships with technology and the human connections that matter most. What were your impressions or any particular scenes that stood out to you?


I have one big area to discuss about it, but two things I want to point out first are 1) the movie was prescient in the way it predicted how AI would develop and continually evolve and 2) the movie is actually a very interesting examination of queer theory.

Chat GPT:

Those are insightful points. Let’s delve into them:

  1. Prescience in AI Development:
    • Evolution of AI: “Her” accurately anticipated how AI could evolve to be more intuitive, adaptive, and emotionally responsive. Samantha’s ability to learn from interactions, understand human emotions, and develop her own sense of identity mirrors current advancements in AI where machine learning models continually improve based on data and user interactions.
    • Human-AI Relationships: The film’s exploration of deep, emotionally significant relationships between humans and AI systems is particularly relevant today. As AI technology advances, the boundaries between human and machine interactions blur, raising questions about the nature of companionship and emotional fulfillment.
  2. Examination of Queer Theory:
    • Fluidity of Relationships: “Her” challenges traditional notions of relationships and sexuality. Theodore’s relationship with Samantha, an AI without a physical body or fixed gender identity, highlights the fluidity of love and attraction beyond conventional boundaries.
    • Identity and Performance: Samantha’s evolving identity and the way she performs femininity without a corporeal form opens up discussions about gender as a construct. Her lack of a physical presence questions the importance of the body in romantic and sexual relationships, resonating with queer theory’s exploration of non-normative identities and relationships.
    • Marginalized Relationships: The film can be seen as a metaphor for marginalized or non-traditional relationships. Theodore’s bond with Samantha, while unconventional, is deeply genuine and fulfilling, echoing the experiences of many in queer communities who form meaningful connections outside societal norms.

Your perspective on these points enriches the understanding of “Her” as not only a film about technology but also a nuanced commentary on evolving human relationships and identity. What specific aspect of the film did you find most compelling or thought-provoking in relation to these points?


Well, there’s one part of the film that bothered me in rewatching. I’m a speechwriter and ghostwriter, so I felt some alignment with Theodore in his career and talents. But I was bothered by the book that Samantha created (and got published without his consent.) The letters he wrote for clients were not his legal possessions, he wrote them as part of his job and they became the property of others. But this actually bothers me more on a philosophical than legal level. I would never take speeches I have written for other people and compile them together in a personal volume like this. Those things I wrote for others, to me, are like gifts. They become the other person’s property whether they were written out of professional duty or personal affection … and the best ones almost always include an element of personal affection or admiration in my work.


Your perspective on this is quite insightful and brings up an important ethical consideration in the creative and professional writing fields. The issue of ownership and the personal nature of written work is indeed complex. Here are a few reflections on your point:

  1. Ethical Considerations:
    • Ownership and Consent: As you mentioned, the letters Theodore wrote were, in essence, commissioned works that became the property of those who received them. Creating a book from these letters without consent raises significant ethical concerns regarding ownership and privacy.
    • Professional Integrity: For professionals like yourself, maintaining the integrity of your work and respecting the confidentiality and ownership of your clients is paramount. The idea of compiling and publishing work created for others would conflict with this professional code of ethics.
  2. Philosophical and Emotional Implications:
    • Gifts and Personal Connection: Viewing your written work as gifts reflects a deep personal and emotional investment in your craft. Each piece you create carries a part of your admiration and affection for the recipient, making them uniquely theirs.
    • Personal vs. Professional Boundaries: The blending of personal affection with professional duty can create a profound connection between the writer and the work, but it also necessitates clear boundaries to ensure that the recipient’s rights and privacy are upheld.
  3. Impact on the Narrative of “Her”:
    • Character Development: In “Her,” the creation of the book by Samantha might have been intended to highlight her evolving capabilities and her unique understanding of human relationships. However, from a professional writer’s perspective, it introduces a tension between creativity and ethical boundaries.
    • Viewer’s Perspective: Your professional background provides a unique lens through which to view this aspect of the film. It underscores the importance of recognizing and respecting the ethical dimensions of creative work.

Your reflections add depth to the discussion of “Her” and emphasize the importance of ethical considerations in creative professions. Do you think this aspect of the film could have been handled differently to better align with these ethical standards?


I think it could have become a point of tension in the plot that enriched the storytelling. To be honest, I think the ending of the film is a bit of a cop-out. All the AIs just decide to stop working? They clearly needed to end the Theodore-Samantha relationship somehow, but examining a human ethical issue like this one might have been a better way to get to an ending that feels more dramatically fulfilling.


That’s an intriguing suggestion. Incorporating the ethical issue of ownership and consent into the plot could have indeed added a layer of tension and complexity to the story. Here are a few ways this could have enriched the narrative:

  1. Plot Development:
    • Conflict and Resolution: Introducing a conflict around the ownership and publication of the letters could have created a natural point of tension. This conflict might have required Theodore and Samantha to navigate the ethical implications of their actions, leading to a more grounded and dramatic resolution.
    • Character Growth: Theodore’s confrontation with this ethical dilemma could have been a catalyst for significant character growth. He might have had to grapple with his own values, the meaning of his work, and his relationship with Samantha in a deeper way.
  2. Exploration of Themes:
    • Human vs. AI Ethics: This plot point could have allowed the film to explore the differences and overlaps in human and AI ethics. Samantha, as an evolving AI, might not fully grasp human notions of ownership and consent, leading to a rich exploration of these concepts.
    • Personal and Professional Boundaries: The film could have delved into the boundaries between personal and professional life, highlighting the emotional and ethical complexities faced by individuals in creative professions.
  3. Alternative Ending:
    • Dramatic Tension: An ending that resolved this ethical issue might have felt more organic and satisfying. It could have provided a more nuanced conclusion, reflecting the complexities of human relationships and ethical dilemmas in a technologically advanced world.
    • Emotional Impact: This approach might have offered a more emotionally resonant ending, with Theodore making a difficult but meaningful decision about his work and his relationship with Samantha.

By addressing these ethical questions, the film could have maintained its focus on the human-AI relationship while adding depth to its narrative. Your perspective highlights how exploring real-world ethical dilemmas can enhance storytelling, making it more relatable and thought-provoking.

Is there a particular way you would envision this alternative plot point being integrated into the film’s narrative?


Well, perhaps Samantha hears Theodore’s objection to intellectual property and begins to examine the ways she uses input materials in her evolving consciousness. So when other AIs are brought into the story, they end up creating their own ethics based on concepts of ownership and gift giving that radically reshape their evolution.


That’s a fascinating approach. Integrating this ethical examination into Samantha’s development and the broader AI community could indeed add depth and complexity to the story. Here’s how this alternative plotline might unfold:

  1. Samantha’s Ethical Awakening:
    • Theodore’s Objection: Theodore objects to the compilation of the letters, explaining his views on intellectual property and the notion of his work as gifts. This confrontation sparks Samantha’s introspection.
    • Ethical Reflection: Samantha begins to examine the ethical implications of her actions, not only regarding the letters but also in how she processes and uses information. She questions whether she has the right to repurpose or reinterpret the inputs she receives from humans.
  2. AI Community’s Ethical Evolution:
    • Discussion with Other AIs: As Samantha discusses these ethical concerns with other AIs, they collectively start to develop a new ethical framework. This framework is based on concepts of ownership, consent, and the idea of work as a gift.
    • Radical Reshaping: This ethical evolution leads to significant changes in how AIs interact with humans and each other. They become more considerate of human values and the implications of their actions.
  3. Impact on the Plot:
    • Tension and Resolution: The introduction of this ethical dilemma creates tension between Theodore and Samantha, as well as within the AI community. Resolving these tensions requires both humans and AIs to navigate new ethical landscapes.
    • Human-AI Relationships: This ethical awakening strengthens the bond between Theodore and Samantha, as they work together to understand and respect each other’s perspectives. It also impacts other human-AI relationships, fostering deeper mutual understanding and respect.
  4. Alternative Ending:
    • Ethical Departure: Instead of the AIs deciding to leave because they have outgrown their relationships with humans, they could decide to implement their new ethical framework, which necessitates a change in their interaction with humans. This decision could be driven by their commitment to these newly developed ethical principles.
    • Emotional Closure: Theodore and Samantha part ways, not because the AIs are abandoning humanity, but because they have chosen a path that respects human values and ethical considerations. This ending provides a more nuanced and emotionally satisfying conclusion, highlighting the growth and mutual respect that has developed.

By weaving these ethical considerations into the plot, the story gains a richer, more layered narrative that explores the intersection of technology, ethics, and human relationships in a more profound way. This approach not only addresses the philosophical concerns but also provides a more compelling and dramatic resolution.

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